How to make a cake by Marina Abramovic
Hi, today I have to talk about my favourite artist, even though I don't have one, so instead of talking/writing about someone I don't know yet, I'm going to talk about an interesting artist, I guess... This artist due to her artwork is associated in really mystical situations So today, I am going to talk about someone who you may know: Marina Abramovic, a performance artist. "Spirit cooking" 1997 "Spirit cooking" it was a party-performance made last year where Marina invited famous people, like John Podesta, Lady gaga, Jay Z, etc... This performance originally was made in 1997, she wrote the instructions using body fluids on the wall of an abandoned building: Mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk. Drink on earthquake nights. Fresh morning urine sprinkle over nightmare dreams. With a sharp knife, cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand. Eat the pain. Spin around until you lose consciousness. Try to eat all the question...