

I think that english classes (at the university) are so useless and a waste of time, at least for me, but that doesn't mean I'm an expert of english. On the other hand, I've met people who think the otherwise, because they didn't have a good teacher, didn't pay attention in english at school or they just don't relate so much with english content in their life. So for them, learning english at the university it's a great opportunity. Write in my blog is not helpful for me anymore. Also, I cannot memorize the mistakes I do when I'm writing or correcting, I don't know why, maybe I'm too tired. And post (post?) comments on the others blogs of my classmates is not an easy task at all. Sometimes you don't even know what to say or you don't want to say the same thing that the other persons, so yeah, there you are, wasting your time on thinking what to comment on the blog, trying to be creative when: 1. You don't know that person ...

Summer 😄😂😝😛🌷🌸🍀🍁🌺🌻😸👽💩🔥💥💫🌟👌👏👈🙌💅💁💯💫👍

I have always wanted to go to Machu Picchu, drink ayahuasca and take a picture with all of my friends (and a llama) on the mountain and finally post the picture on Facebook. I think I have to start by telling you that in all of my photos of summer vacations I look bad. I have no doubt that my family hates going out with me on summer because I'm grumpy all the time and I don't want to go and get to know the place, the people, nature, blablah. It's just stuff that I'm not interested in. I just enjoy being in the city and people usually don't understand that, and no, I don't want to travel to another city. So my idea of summer vacations is do nothing, and by that I mean: have time for myself, watch movies or comedies, make videos, go to the pool and of course avoid spiders and insects in general. I have no doubt that if I go out in summer vacations it would be difficult to not face to a spider (I hate spiders) because I usually go to places like Valle del Elqui...


Hi today I'm going to talk about a postgraduate course that I would consider to take in the future. However, I'm wondering why I have to write about this, or why I have to search a postgraduate course I may enjoy when, right now, I'm not really interested about this; I still have some time to think about it because I haven't finished my career yet, so all about this "search" seems pointless to me. Anyway, I'm curious about medial arts, and I just found out that there is magister degree about this topic in the university where I'm currently studying. I'm interested in taking this course because it's all about experimenting through the integration of media and different disciplines, including technology, sound, etc... I think it will be a good decision, it's about a topic I would enjoy to learn more. Also, the place where the course is in the same university I'm studying (University of Chile) so I will not need to be out of my...

How to make a cake by Marina Abramovic

Hi, today I have to talk about my favourite artist, even though I don't have one, so instead of talking/writing about someone I don't know yet, I'm going to talk about an interesting artist, I guess... This artist due to her artwork is associated in really mystical situations So today, I am going to talk about someone who you may know: Marina Abramovic, a performance artist.     "Spirit cooking" 1997 "Spirit cooking" it was a party-performance made last year where Marina invited famous people, like John Podesta, Lady gaga, Jay Z, etc... This performance originally was made in 1997, she wrote the instructions using body fluids on the wall of an abandoned building: Mix fresh breast milk with fresh sperm milk. Drink on earthquake nights. Fresh morning urine sprinkle over nightmare dreams. With a sharp knife, cut deeply into the middle finger of your left hand. Eat the pain. Spin around until you lose consciousness. Try to eat all the question...

You've been LYNCHED

Even though that I really love films, today I am going to talk about my favorite TV show that ended last sunday. The name is T w i n P e a k s . This TV show is an american mystery drama created by Mark Frost and David Lynch Basically, Twin Peaks is about a FBI Special Agent Dale Cooper that is trying to investigate the death of a young girl: Laura Palmer. I like this show not only because was created by Lynch, the art direction, the soundtrack or because the plot is good, the real value is that everything is experimental in a way that only David Lynch could do.  I think -for most cliche this could sound- that Twin Peaks is pretty unique. It has its own world where two entities are kind of in war: the Black Lodge lead by Bob or Judy v/s the White Lodge where you can find a giant and anothers weird characters (maybe aliens). They are constantly helping Dale Cooper, specially in his dreams, to find the clues of this case. The thing you should definitely know before w...

Nibiru returns

There is a place I would really enjoy going to, but it's not a country (because I really don’t know which country to choose of an excuse to write this). This place is well known by many names, like “The Ferry” or “Planet of the crossing” but the scientific name is Nibiru. Nibiru is related to the babylonian mythology, you can search this on the internet, there are a lot of websites/videos/etc… devoted to this topic so it is pretty easy to know a lot about Planet X and his myths (of course everything you search about this subject on the internet is going to be true, everything on the internet is true). The things I have learned about Nibiru: that it's a planet, is very big, it has a red color and it will crash with the Earth at some point of this year. So, my plan is to be on that planet (with the help of my friends: the Annunakis) when it crashes with the Earth. It will be fantastic!