
Mostrando entradas de agosto, 2017

Nibiru returns

There is a place I would really enjoy going to, but it's not a country (because I really don’t know which country to choose of an excuse to write this). This place is well known by many names, like “The Ferry” or “Planet of the crossing” but the scientific name is Nibiru. Nibiru is related to the babylonian mythology, you can search this on the internet, there are a lot of websites/videos/etc… devoted to this topic so it is pretty easy to know a lot about Planet X and his myths (of course everything you search about this subject on the internet is going to be true, everything on the internet is true). The things I have learned about Nibiru: that it's a planet, is very big, it has a red color and it will crash with the Earth at some point of this year. So, my plan is to be on that planet (with the help of my friends: the Annunakis) when it crashes with the Earth. It will be fantastic!